Saturday 21 March 2015

How to write Resume? - Resume writing Tips

According to Shweta Khare, career expert and founder of Career bright,”The purpose of a Résumé is to convince the hiring manager that you are the best candidate for the job. It might not be an easy thing to convey convincingly if you are changing careers, but with some effort, you can stand out in the competition.” Six tips on how to diversify your language and phrasing to make your resume.
  1. Emphasize accomplishment– Include phrases with magical keywords like “increased” ,”resolved” and “improved” to increase the chances.
  2. Adjectives with results- Connect your skills with a specific result you have achieved. With an online resume upload, a photo. Presentation or video to show your eye for design rather than simply describing it.
  3. Add link- Add links to your profile of your website, a blog, or if you are featured on somebody else’s website, add those links to resume too.
  4. Use Testimonials- Provide evidence, right up front in your resume introduction, that you will be a good choice.
  5. Mind wording- If you wish to stand out and get chosen from that crowd, you’ve got to play around with unfamiliar wordings or phrasings.
  6. Be Yourself- Instead of looking for things other people have said about themselves, start your resume by telling people exactly what makes you uniquely valuable.
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