Saturday 28 March 2015

Five Ways to Make your Cover Letter Recruiter Friendly

A cover letter is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience. Success experts agree that cover letters are still a difference maker. This article talks about five ways that will certainly make the recruiter smile and then call you.
  1. Different from resume
Do not copy the resume or it will be rejected. Google around for the history of your field or company, and sprinkle some cool historical facts into your cover letter.
  1. Keep it short
Avoid lengthy exposition. Be short and to the point.
  1. Address Nobody
Use “Dear Hiring Manager” or “To Whom It May Concern”.
  1. Make it PDF
Not every office computer can read .docx or .pages files, but virtually everybody can open a PDF file without any conversion.
  1. Ending matters
At the end explain how experience or worldview will help you at the job.

No employment history doesn’t mean you can no longer land on desired position. By cover letter for resume, candidate can direct the employer’s attention to skills and other qualifications rather than on lack of practice.

Friday 27 March 2015

One Page CV - How to make and Benefits of it

Getting resume noticed is the first step towards a successful employment, and it may lay down the path of the rest of the recruitment stages. The longer and more dense a resume, the harder it is for a recruiter to understand your achievement and contribution. Be clear, precise, and factual while writing resume as it will always get more traction. Read on for tips and tricks that’ll make sure you craft a winning one page CV—and help you land a job:
  • Relevant Information Only
Use only information that is most relevant to job.
  • Avoiding Fluff on Your Resume
No need to include additional experience as long as candidate has enough relevant experience to fill the page.
  • Length of Resume
Personally speaking  1 page CV is more than enough for college students, but there may be times when a 2 page CV would be preferred.
  • Tailor resume to every job opening
Customise the CV every time as it is essential that you take the time to do it.
  • Avoid fancy gimmicks
Avoid fancy and creative elements in resume. It should be as simple as it can be.
  • Improper format
Many resumes are improperly format hiring process.

Also Read What should be Right Resume Format?